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In what order do you place importance in choosing our services? We understand that all of these are important. Please prioritize the following according to its relevance to you: 1 being the most important, 2 being the second most important, 3 being the third most important and 4 being the least important.

What are you willing to invest in yourself to get the results that you are looking for?
How Were you Introduced to Quantum Energy Transformation™ and/or Joshua Bloom? (Please check ALL that apply)

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If you're selected for a "Free Consultation" my assistant will contact you to set up your 30-45 minute free screening.

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“Even though I have followed other quantum approaches, QET has helped me to discover the place in my body where memories are stored, and how to release them. I was surprised by the effectiveness of this approach and its effects on me and my clients. I dare say that I feel I am now passed from being an amateur to a professional, because I have acquired structure in my sessions that allow my clients to feel the transformation that took place immediately.”

Jean-Michel Trifin, Belgium

“Yesterday I listened to Joshua’s message with Eram Saeed and followed along with an energy exercise. I enjoyed it so much I practiced it again this morning on my own. I noticed my energy today was through the roof. My clever ideas were on a roll. My appetite was cut in half and when I watched my guilty pleasure tv show instead of my usual relaxing on the couch I found myself exercising on the floor. I am SO blessed that I found Joshua, and what a great teacher ~ over the internet I received full instructions and incredible results. THANK YOU Joshua. xoxoxo”

Debbie, Aquino
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“I saw your movie, “The Ultimate Answer™. It was super wonderful! I loved the simplicity of it and it is still so powerful. Can’t thank you enough!”

Anju Kamra, Texas

“I became very ill. I felt like I was dying. I decided to try a session. To my extreme amazement, 3 days after my session, something big shifted and I knew I would live. I am now a coach, helping people, using this wonderful gift of Quantum Energy Transformation™.”

Lynda Borschowa, Canada

“Oh, my goodness… I was thrilled when I ran out of energy, after a long day of shopping in a near by city. I thought, “Okay, Joshua, what do I do now?” …. I believe I remember seeing this type of breathing in a video by Joshua… and it worked! I breathed in through my mouth and out through the teeth in 3 short breaths. I couldn’t believe the instant frequency rise in my being and energy spike within my body. It was wild! I was good to go for the rest of the evening. One reason I am thrilled about this is because I am prepared to help another who is give out, because I know how well it works. Experience rules in this case.

Thanks Joshua!”

Shirley Bass, United States

“Thank you for the live event! I feel so blessed for everything! A lot of miracles happened at the live event. I can feel it myself and I can see others experiencing miracles. In Quantum it is normal that Miracles happen! As a realist in Quantum I expect miracles to happen – and they do. Both for me and others. After the live event I am so peaceful.I didn´t know anyone could be as peaceful as I am now. As a bonus my experience of time is also different – I have so much time. When I came home my husband wondered what wife it was that came home to him. He said: In a way you are new and in another way I recognize you from when we first got married. You are so warm and loving again. After the event one of my colleagues at work looked at me and said: you look wonderful! You have something I would like to have! Can I be close to you!?”

Marija Strat, Sweden
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“I am no longer the person I was 3 months ago before beginning this journey. Until now I have never been given the tools to access this illusive state of being. In this beautiful open space, anything is possible to evolve, transform and heal, and indeed that is what I was able to accomplish.”

Helena Basso, Canada

“Dear Divine Joshua! Thank you very much for the amazing healing energy and guidance!
My head went though a hurricane for a minute, and I seemed to be emotional, but it was all healing cry, and I was actually happy to get rid of the old stuff! There was a big joy somewhere, it was amazing! I, again, deeply appreciate your healing and guidance. Thank you so very much!! Love you !! Liyako”

Liyako Matsuda, United States

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Thank you for inquiring about how we can work together to achieve your healing and transformation goals! We are excited about the prospect of working with you and truly appreciate your interest. To ensure the best results for our clients, we are very selective about who we choose to work with. Therefore please complete the following application thoroughly and with complete honesty.

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You’ve indicated you want to help others. Please tell us which of the following programs you are most interested in. Please number according your priority. (Use 1 for your first priority, 2 for your second)*


Thank you for the above information, and for your trust. I will get back with you in the next 24 to 72 hours with any questions or to let you know that I have completed your clearing process. I am sure you will be pleased. I will work hard to achieve the best possible result for you.

Thank you,


Copyright © 2023 Joshua Bloom

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